• We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus •


Free Chapel Counseling is a service provided for Free Chapel members and regular attendees. Our Counseling affirms the Bible as God’s authoritative guide for our lives. It also affirms our need for Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to enable us to make the necessary changes in order to enjoy an abundant life. Free Chapel Counseling utilizes professional counselors and referral services to address the following types of counseling: Addictions, pre-marital, marriage, grief, family crisis, divorce care, adolescent, and depression. Christians are not immune to emotional pain resulting from imbalances in either relationships or biochemistry. However, there are resources available for help, recovery, and relapse prevention.

We're here for you. Contact us today.

Contact Us Today

Struggling with hurts, habits or hang-ups?

Experience God's power to break free. Celebrate Freedom meets every Thursday at 7 PM at our Gainesville North Campus (1290 McEver Road). Contact us for more information.

Contact Us

Discover Healing in Restoration Groups

Join us for Restoration Groups, 12-week courses designed to help find healing and comfort through life's struggles.
The Fall session will launch the 3rd week in August. Join Restoration Groups at a campus near you.

Register Now

Celebrate Freedom Men & Celebrate Freedom Women

Experience God’s power to break free from dysfunctional habits and deal with past hurts. Free weekly classes for men and women.

Celebrate Freedom Teens

A class offering a Christ-centered environment for 6-12th grade students to be honest and open about their hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

Divorce Care

Learn God's plan for rebuilding your life after a divorce and or separation.

Divorce Care for Kids

Tender lives are restored as children heal from the hurt caused by divorce.

Grief Share

Learn about God's healing after the loss of a loved one.

Re | Engage

Study God's design for reignition, reconnection, or resurrection of marriages.

Victorious Minds

Become equipped with the tools and mindset to overcome challenges, cultivate resilience, and achieve personal triumph.

Struggling with sexual identity or other sexual concerns?

Contact Us