• We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus • • We will resume our normal 11AM service at our Gainesville campus •


What is baptism and why should I be baptized?

Being baptized with water is a public profession of your faith. It the book of Matthew Jesus himself was baptized and he instructed the disciples to continue baptizing believers. It signifies a washing away of our old sinful nature and an emergence of newness of life! We believe that everyone who believes in Jesus should participate in baptism.

How can I be baptized as part of Free Chapel Online?

Ready to be baptized? The good news is we are now making baptism available to our Online campus no matter where you live! You can either travel to one of our Free Chapel Campus locations, or you can get a friend or family member to assist you in be baptized in water near you: in a tub, pool, lake, ocean, etc. Please note that completion of our Next Steps class is required for all baptisms. You can take that online anytime here.

Are you ready to be baptized? Sign up below!

Celebrate & Share your Story!

If you participate in baptism at home we would love to see a photo or video of your baptism to encourage others. We'd also love to send you a Free Chapel baptism certificate.

Share Your Story